Some of the greatest genius have said that the greatest inspiration comes to them when they have an open mind. Many people give credit to their achievements from inspiration that they perceive to have received from the greater collective force.
Can we achieve our potential by opening our minds, and if so how do we do this?
I feel I am living too much outside of myself. I exercise regularly and eat food cooked from scratch. Yet I feel unsettled and that I have not reached my potential. I love my family and do my best for them. But focusing on looking good helps me keep my facade in place, the one that keeps me safe and from getting hurt.
When I recently booked a family holiday for new year to a new place, I did not feel the usually high I had previously experienced at the prospect of travelling. I have researched the city, created an action packed itinerary and I am yet to look forward to the holiday. What is wrong with me? Nothing has changed - I am involved in my children's lives, I have a good relationship with my spouse, I go to yoga, I am travelling to the city to shop next week for Christmas presents, yet I feel flat.
When you look for happiness and fulfillment outside of yourself, this is a recipe for disaster. We all know this, but carry on aspiring to a bigger house and a new car. My inner being is no longer fulfilled by the external gratification and I am uncomfortable enough to make a change in my life.
I think that I need to focus on the present and that I need to quieten my life. This way I will be able to hear the answer to my question " how do I achieve my potential?".
I will start by being aware of my thoughts. I must move away from dwelling on persistent thoughts that stop me from moving forward. I will spend quiet time alone and observe my thoughts. I will try to create quiet within my mind and observe what comes to mind. This is a process and like all things requires practise before I feel comfortable in my stillness. I will gently try to adopt this new approach in my life. I will be kind and encouraging to myself and I will enjoy the process and the outcome.
But I still can't help placing a teeth whitening kit on my shopping list for next week.
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