Thursday, January 18, 2018

Easier Ways to Meditate?

Do you find it tough to sit still and quiet your mind? There are a millions things going on in your head, least of all your to do list. Meditation is a state of focusing on the present moment. Many people say it is the time when they are most enlightened, when they receive inspiration and good ideas come to them. Do we have to sit still to experience all this?

What if you focus on the moment and clear your head by focusing on a single repetitive task. Can washing the dishes become your new quiet time? If you garden, can you clear your mind and quieten your thoughts by digging up weeds? Why not? I am sure than for many running is the time when they move their body and clear their mind. It is a time when you can be alone, reflect or not, and come back feeling invigorated or exhausted.

So the next time you garden, go for a walk or wash the dishes, put on your headphones, play your meditation music and tune out of life. Experience the moment and see what happens. You may be surprised!

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